I appreciate the vulnerability and truth you speak, Dan.
As someone who cheated death many years ago, I’ve learned that my experience was meant to teach me the value of the only thing I have and use it wisely, and that is my next breath.
When life is bestowed upon us , a gift, it is up to us to decide what to do with it.
Most of us think it should go a certain way, and it usually does.
When something happens that disturbs the pattern we are often upset.
There is nothing, for me, more powerful than the gift of the moment that I’m currently experiencing, not the day, the hour, but the moment.
Peace and love are absolutely gushing in oversupply in each precious moment if we make the choice to accept it. This may be why you feel the way you do when you have your inner dialogue around faith and doubt.
I certainly don’t have all the answers…why didn’t I die when I probably should have?