This is Léo Major, a French Canadian soldier. He was actually born in the US, but came to Canada as a child. Shortly after D Day, he lost an eye. But he wanted to keep on fighting. So he did. One day, he captured 93 German soldiers. All in a day’s work. Another time, he blew up on a mine. Two broken ankles, a bunch of broken ribs and three fractured vertebrae. It took him a couple of months to heal. Then, he went out on his own and captured a whole town in the Netherlands, burning down the local SS HQ and sending them fleeing in a panic. Hundreds of German soldiers he marched back to his lines that night, ten to twelve at a time. When the war ended, he retired, but then he came back for Korea. When the US lost Hill 355, they tried to retake it but got repulsed, taking heavy casualties. Léo went in with 18 men and retook it from the Chinese. We have a whole country full of Léo Majors. And they don’t have bone spurs either.
Marcus113, aka Marc Dauphin, MSM, CD, MD.