Why am I not the lucky one?

Steven Buehler
3 min readNov 16, 2022
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As it was a rather nice night for a stroll, and I was craving a chocolate bar, I took a short stroll down the block with my Rottweiler to the local convenience store. There were a number of people out, evidently equally inspired by the pleasant weather. I was also on a mission to pick up my latest Amazon purchase at the locker hub located at the rear of the convenience store.

After several minutes of leisurely strolling, and anticipating an uneventful journey, I arrived at the convenience store. Once inside, I headed to the fully stocked junk food shelves to see what other items might find their way into my field of vision. There were two other gentlemen in the store, so I perused carefully, lingering longer than I had planned.

I took my place in front of the counter, behind the second gentleman. The first gentleman was apparently cashing out his recent lottery winnings as the sound of the “Winner” announcement repeated annoyingly seven or eight times.

“Great!” I muttered, not at all interested in his fantastic good luck of potting a couple of lottery wins. Several moments passed as the clerk kept scanning the tickets as “Winner!” kept repeating for each ticket scanned. The canned voice and the extended wait were becoming aggravating. Finally, the scanning was completed and the gentleman picked up his fortune, projected quite audibly by the…

